The Super Roll Charity Bowls Bash!

A cracking day for a great cause...

Fridays are always one of our fave days, but June 2nd was even more special as we rolled out the first-ever official fundraiser for The Mateship Foundation - The Super Roll Charity Bowls Bash at the BowlsPub. 

It was an absolutely cracking day, filled with belly laughs, mateship, good beers and good times. With everyone getting fully into the 80s sport dress-up theme, there was some brilliant (and eye opening) costumes filling the greens, vying for prizes for the best-dressed 80's legends and teams. 

YourMates The Super Roll Charity Bowls Bash Gallery 01

Everyone was frothing thanks to a classic 80s’s soundtrack thanks to the resident DJ setting the tone, and the banter was flying thick and fast on the greens, only matched by the larrikin MC’s roving the greens and laying on more sh*t than you could believe. We really should have had a prize for best team names, as there were some absolute crackers - LawnHub, Camilla Parker Bowls, Rate Risers, Lawn Connery and Bowls Deep to name just a few. 

The bowls comp was as unbelievable as some of the claims of bowls prowess coming from the entrants (funny how many state champs turned up on the day), made even more tense with the last-chance losers auction to buy your way back into the finals. It came down to an absolute nail-biter for the $2,500 in cash prizes up for grabs for the winning teams, congrats to Clutch Legal on taking the final gong in a hard-fought battle.

Your Mates The Super Roll Charity Bowls Bash Gallery 02

Then there was the impromptu bowl-off between the winners and the local bowls legends who’d been giving us tips on how not to suck all day, with the young gun challengers coming out with a surprise upset with the last bowl. Big shout out to Thompson Insurance, for putting this challenge together on the spur of the moment! 

Our goal was to raise much-needed funds to support local charities (Disabled Surfers Sunshine Coast and Riding for the Disabled), while having a bloody good time with mates at the same time…and thanks to a legendary show of support from the community, we’re stoked to say we smashed it.

Your Mates The Super Roll Charity Bowls Bash Gallery 03

We raised a whopping $30,000 which will go towards Disabled Surfers Sunshine Coast, Riding for the Disabled and the Mateship Foundation. Which means we're now sitting at a ripper $70,000 out of our $100,000 goal for the year for the Mateship Foundation.

The Charity Bowls Bash raised a whopping $30,000

A massive shout out to the sponsors: ARB Maroochydore, Bonza, Clutch Legal, Countryside Realty Noosa, Cricks, FC Lawyers, Poole Group, Push Productions, SCF Australia, Schoolzine, Sunshine Coast Stadium, Thompson Insurance. We couldn’t have done it without you and thanks to your generous support, we’re able to provide some really meaningful support to our Sunny Coast community.

Your Mates The Super Roll Charity Bowls Bash Gallery 04

Being part of The Mateship Foundation and witnessing the bloody overwhelming response at the Super Roll Charity Bowls Bash has left us grinning. We're so grateful for the camaraderie, generosity, and commitment to making a real difference…and don’t worry if you missed out, we’ll definitely be rolling out another one down the track. 

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1 comment

  • Congratulations on a wonderful day and a big thank you from a cooroy bowls club member for allowing us the privilege of being a part of the team and I look forward to being involved with future events.cheers

    Michael Loe

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