Why our first ever limited release tinnie was a reinvention of Donnie and not a new character | Your Mates Brewing Co.

As Mcgarry says, “call it lack of creativity in production, or call it for what it really is.”

Donnie is a deserving King. He was our second mate to the core range and represents much of what is central to Your Mates’ identity. He’s an underdog, a dark horse, full of surprises with a heart of gold. He deserves the crown!

We can’t wait to send him out to our community on Saturday the 15th of August, he’s going to make plenty of new mates!

For all info on the launch event, go HERE.

Click ‘Going’ in the event to go in the draw to win 2x Free King Donnie’s.

If you can’t wait to get your hands on Your Mates, buy beer from our ONLINE STORE or visit our BEER LOCATOR.

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